" Where there is still an original forest in Nosy Be "
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Terrestrial National Park, Lokobe is one of the few localities in Madagascar where the original Sambirano forest still exists. The Lokobe forest is the only original forest remaining on the island of Nosy-Be.
The Eulemur macaco is the flagship species of the Park. The same goes for the coral reef, in the Lokobe Marine Park.
From the village, you will find guides who will take you to the heart of the forest in search of:
376 species including 3 species of insectivores,
5 species of Rodentes,
16 species of bats,
4 species of carnivores,
11 species of primates,
1 species of Ungulates,
103 species of birds,
84 species of reptiles,
34 species of amphibians
and 112 Rhopalocera species 😁 hoping you can find everything !!!
In addition, if you are lucky you can find in this park the smallest reptile in the world, the Brookesia nana, from the chameleon family, which measures about 16mm, like ...... a peanut !!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Lokobe National Park
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